Thursday, March 11, 2010

Forgot Birthday Gifts?

Yesterday I went to Target to get snack for my teenagers who are going biking in Zion’s National Park this weekend. While there, I was supposed to get gifts for the ladies I work with in my church’s primary. They all have birthdays this month. I was talking on my cell phone, though, and totally spaced it. So, five minutes before our meeting last night, I dug around the house and put together a bag of stuff for them. Here is what I said as I gave them each item:
It’s your birthday, don’t be sad (box of tissues)
Wash away any tears and any sadness from last year (a bar of soap)
And put a smile on your face (toothbrush-nice vibrating ones)
Remember (a jumpdrive- bought on clearance)
You are a princess (new princess washcloths I bought too many of last year and had in storage)
You are a Daughter of God, I love you ladies!
I hope this gives you ideas for the next time you are caught without a gift at the last minute. Or maybe we should all stock up on small gifts and birthday cards… I guess I’ll go do that before I forget… again.
Hugs, The Personal Experience Expert

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